Tuesday, September 4, 2007

~Sunlight by Comrade Kevin~

They lurch across the street, still slightly intoxicated, wearing darkly tinted sunglasses.

The city never sleeps, this much is true, but its manic pace does slow to a considerable degree after the last subway from uptown departs around three in the morning. I'm almost sad to see the sun rise because I enjoy the brief repose from honking horns and sidewalk conversation.
It's early morning in Manhattan and I've been sitting on this park bench now for almost an hour, chain-smoking, observing a worker in the processing of putting up an awning. My attention drifts from the worker to the remnants of the clubbing scene crossing the street in front of me, groaning at the approach of sunlight.
These are the hard core partying fanatics, who stand a good chance of being chemically dependent and slightly psychotic. Most of their peers departed for beds, houses, or apartments hours ago.
***We like: "[G]roaning at the approach of sunlight." By the way, we are going to start providing titles if you don't!***

1 comment:

Comrade Kevin said...

The city never sleeps, this much is true, but its manic pace does slow to a considerable degree after the last subway from uptown departs around three in the morning. I'm almost sad to see the sun rise because I enjoy the brief repose from honking horns and sidewalk conversation.

It's early morning in Manhattan and
I've been sitting on this park bench now for almost an hour, chain-smoking, observing a worker in the processing of putting up an awning. My attention drifts from the worker to the remnants of the clubbing scene crossing the street in front of me, groaning at the approach of sunlight.

These are the hard core partying fanatics, who stand a good chance of being chemically dependent and slightly psychotic. Most of their peers departed for beds, houses, or apartments hours ago. They lurch across the street, still slightly intoxicated, wearing darkly tinted sunglasses.